Schönes Neues Den Haag
Mittwoch, 8.7.2009, 09:05 > daMaxNein! Wie!! Krass!!! In Den Haag durchsuchen Mitarbeiter der Stadt inzwischen komplette Häuserblöcke. Und zwar Zimmer für Zimmer. Warum? Safety! Und wer sich weigert, dem flattert dieser derbe Brief ins Haus:
In The Hague, we want pleasant and safe neighborhoods. For this reason, we are inspecting all homes in your neighborhood. For each address, we will see if the rules and regulations are met.
The residence you own at was visited by our team on the 10th of June2009, but we were refused entrance.
On Thursday the 25h of June between 13:00 and 14:00 your residence will be visited again by a team of the “The Hague Residence Brigade” led by the City Planning Office. We will verify the state of the building, (fire) safety and the actual use of the residence.All rooms of the residence are subject to this inspection. The cooperation of all residents is therefore a necessity.
We’d like to point out that this is not a voluntary inspection. You are obliged to cooperate. If you refuse to cooperate , we’d like to point out that we are legally entitled to enter the premises with a legal warrant and without the cooperation of the owner and/or occupant(s).
If the date or time are not convenient for you, you have the option to, withing 5 working days after postmark of this letter, call the above number Monday through Friday between 08:00 and 16:00.
If an illegal situation is found during the investigation, you will receive notice about further proceedings as soon as possible.
We trust his letter has provided you with all the necessary information.
City Planning Office
Department for Building, Inspection and ServiceMs. C. Kolenmijn
Inspector Project The Hague Residence Brigade
(fefe macht mir angst)
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