Max on UrbanDictionary
Samstag, 6.2.2010, 18:33 > daMax1. Go to
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Das lass ich mir nicht zweimal sagen. Hier das Ergebnis:
- Short for "Maximilian", a russian name meaning "Large Penis."
they dont call him max(Maximilian) for nothing!
- Origin: Latin
Meaning: Diminutive of Maximilian: Greatest.
Commonly used with the word "Lightning"
Origin: Welsh
Meaning: lionlike; lightning
True to their name all Max's are Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kissers. One of a kind, Proud of themselves in whatever they do. Messy, and unorganized. Procrastinators. Great lovers, when they're not sleeping. Extreme thinkers. Love their pets usually more than their familiy. Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain or tell a story. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out. - The act of doing fuck-all everyday, usually accompanied by beer, MSN and Nintendo 64.
I wish I could have a max-day.
Why can Max have a max-day everyday? - The ability to do nothing and still look so damn good.
It's like I want to eat you because you look so good, maybe if I eat you then I will be satisfied max.
irresistable cute tempting alluring awesome - What can I say? Word's can't describe how awesome one of these are. I would give my child up just to meet one of these men.
Max: Hey, I'm Max.
Girls: *faint*
Und so weiter. Was soll ich sagen? Das Internet lügt bekanntlich nicht
(via nerdcore)
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