Deutschsein aus australischer Perspektive
Dienstag, 12.6.2012, 08:01 > daMaxManuel hat gerade ein echtes Juwel entdeckt. Olivia Hambrett kommt aus Australien, verbrachte einige Zeit in Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, und lebt auch sonst in Deutschland. In dieser Zeit hat sie eine Menge über uns gelernt und diese Erkenntnisse in eine lange Liste gepackt. Wie Manuel ganz richtig schreibt:
Die Frau hat uns vollkommen durchschaut. Nackt steht der deutsche Volkskörper vor ihrem alles durchdringenden und analytischen Blick.
Wir sind alle schuldig. Es ist alles so wahr.
Kostprobe gefällig?
4. They have excellent winter wardrobes (I suspect this has something to do with the fact it’s what I would classify as Winter, ten months of the year).
11. Germans are thorough. They work hard and effectively (despite working some of the shortest hours in the western world). This is why …
12. They are the strongest economy in Europe. What they do during those short hours is probably double what every other country manages to do in twice the time.
22. They love a large, mind-bogglingly well stocked hardware store (with a bratwurst stand out the front). Perhaps because they quietly live by the mantra, if you want something done well, do it yourself … and we all know Germans do things well. Therefore they must be permanently well equipped to do things themselves.
31. Germans can always enjoy a hotdog/bratwurst, no matter the time, no matter the place. And they never seem to drip the sauce all over themselves.
38. Germans can drink. And not just write themselves off, vomit in the bath tub at 2am, wedge in a kebab and back it up the following night, a la American/English/Australian binge drinkers … I mean drink. While the rest of the world is vomiting in the bath tub, the Germans are calmly ingesting their 57th shot and washing it down with a beer, their cheeks a little rosy, their eyes a little glazed, but their livers working as smoothly as a German made automobile.
69. Germans have this … thing … with bureaucracy.
Den Rest lest ihr bitte bei Olivia. What I know about germans (not bavarians)
(Den Bundesadler hab ich bei Manuel geklaut. Beschnitten und auf den Kopp gedreht hat ihn ein Gimp)
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