Dienstag, 4.6.2013, 14:06 > daMaxLos geht's. Da hat sich schon mal jemand eine nette Google-Suche ausgedacht.
Webchat: webchat.cyberguerr... or client00.chat.mibb...
Network: irc.cyberguerrilla.org or IRC: irc.anonops.com
Port(s): 6667 — SSL(6697)
Channel: #opTurkey
Website: http://OperationTurkey.tk/
#opTurkey Information Center: crypt0nymous.tumblr...
Press Release: AnonPaste
Greetings Government of Turkey,
We are Anonymous.
We have watched for days with horror as our brothers and sisters in Turkey who are peacefully rising up against their tyrannical government have been brutalized, beaten, run over with riot vehicles, shot with water cannons and gassed in the streets. From the epicenter of their revolution in Taksim Square to every city in Turkey, the people have spoken. Hundreds of thousands have taken and held the streets for days, despite the relentless assault of the police. Thousands have been arrested. Where differ you exactly from a Junta!
Turkey is supposed to be a so called "modern" democracy, but the Turkish government behaves like the petty dictators in China or Iran. Anonymous is outraged by this behavior, and we will unite across the globe and bring the Turkish government to its knees. We will attack every internet and communications asset of the Turkish government. You have censored social media and other communications of your people in order to suppress the knowledge of your crimes against them. Now Anonymous will shut you down, and your own people will remove you from power.
We have seen in the past your totalitarianism the same as with Mubarak. You know what happend to him, don't do this to ur own people. Be wise and step down and let the people decide their fate.
To the people of Turkey: No matter how dark it may seem, no matter how alone and abandoned you may feel. know that the world is watching. Know that Anonymous is working tirelessly around the clock to bring you every assistance, know that Anonymous stands with you in this fight. Don't be ruled by them but rule over them.
"Think For Yourself, Question Authority"
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Government of Turkey, it is too late to Expect us.
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