Es gibt da wohl in den Staaten gerade so ein Gerichtsverfahren um die Rechte an "Happy Birthday to you", in dem angeregt wird, den Song in den Public Domain zu geben.
"More than 120 years after the melody to which the simple lyrics of 'Happy Birthday to You' is set was first published, defendant Warner/Chappell boldly, but wrongfully and unlawfully, insists that it owns the copyright to 'Happy Birthday to You,'" the lawsuit said.
Pikantes Detail am Rande:
Warner/Chappell has collected at least $2 million annually in licensing fees for the song, according to the lawsuit.
dafuq? Jährlich? 2 Mille? Das sind doch alles Wegelagerer
Ich kann Kids schon verstehen, die keine Skrupel beim Musiksaugen haben.