Riot Chat
Donnerstag, 8.5.2014, 21:45 > daMaxIch kapier zwar kein Wort, aber ich find's geil!
(via Chat is a Twitter-IRC-game remix. Riot Chat is an homage to kopimi (copyme), a symbol showing that you want to be copied, and a sandbox for an anti-surveillance communication protocol. Occupy was right: we need to get rid of super managers holding the world down. Since revolutions constantly fail in the streets, we must simultaneously continue to riot the Internet.
The Chat and OmniHal
To talk to OmniHal, the chat bot, type /omnihal and then your message on OmniHal has a young brain. Feed OmniHal with text in the top right corner. Change the topic of the chat by typing /topic and then the new topicHelp expand the territory of kopimi (copyme) pyramids by getting rid of eyeballs box. Click, move and communicate.
Pump up the volume and suggest tracks to OmniHAL.
Switch from riot to IRC mode as pleased.
Fork the project hereThe avatar gif animations are from F.A.T’s
Riot Chat is part of the exhibition “Piratbyrån and Friends”, curated by Rachel Falconer and Furtherfield. On view until June 8th in Finsbury Park (next to the pyramids!).
Don’t contact Future. Future will contact you!
Halte Dich bitte an die Spielregeln. Welche Emoticons du verwenden kannst, steht hier.
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