Freitag, 9.12.2022, 13:40 > daMaxThis message is to bring to your notice that your domain invoice number [ID] is OVERDUE. [DOMAIN] expiring on 07 December 2022 is SUSPENDED. Please make payment ASAP to avoid any TERMINATION of service to [DOMAIN]
Do take note that if no payment is made in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted.
TO RENEW [DOMAIN] (Expires on 07 December 2022):[ID]The registration currently listed is [NAME].
Legal Disclaimer: We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damage or loss that you may incur because of the expiration of [DOMAIN]. Any such damages may potentially include but are not exclusively limited to: fiscal losses, lost data without backups, loss of results in search rankings, missed appointments, undeliverable email and any other service, business or technical damage that you might suffer. For more information please look up section 11.l.7.g of our TOS
This is the final notification that we are required to send out with reference to the expiration of [DOMAIN].
*[ID] *Expiry: December-2022
All online services will be restored automatically on [DOMAIN] upon confirmation of payment. We thank you for your urgent attention and continued business.
Due for Termination on December 07 2022
Nice try, fuckers.
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Bei der Menge an Spam-Kommentaren passiert es hin und wieder, dass ein Kommentar vom Spamfilter gefressen wird. Bitte sei mir nicht böse aber ich habe weder Zeit noch Lust, solch verloren gegangenen Kommentaren hinterher zu forschen. Wenn das öfters passiert, schreib' mir 'ne Mail damit ich dich whitelisten kann.