AnOps "Empire State Rebellion", Communication #1
Mittwoch, 15.6.2011, 12:25 > daMaxIch liebe Anonymous, weil das die Guten sind. Und weil das eben so ist, veröffentliche ich natürlich auch liebend gerne das neueste Manifest zur "Operation Empire State Rebellion"
Ein paar Links dazu:!/search/opesr
Da dieser komische Spachmodulationsshit aber so unverständlich ist, habe ich euch den Text mal rausgekramt.
The Anonymous manifesto:
We are a decentralized non-violent resistance movement, which seeks to restore the rule of law and fight back against the organized criminal class.
One-tenth of one percent of the population has consolidated wealth in unprecedented fashion and launched an all-out economic war against 99.9% of the population.
We are not affiliated with either wing of the two-party oligarchy. We seek an end to the corrupted two-party system by ending the campaign finance and lobbying racket.
Above all, we aim to break up the global banking cartel centered at the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlement and World Bank.
We demand that the primary dealers within the Federal Reserve banking system be broken up and held accountable for rigging markets and destroying the global economy, effective immediately.
As a first sign of good faith we demand Ben Bernanke step down as Federal Reserve chairman.
Until our demands are met and a rule of law is restored, we will engage in a relentless campaign of non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience.
In our next communication we will announce Operation Empire State Rebellion.
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