Verschwörungstheorie des Tages: Piratenpartei wurde "vom Establishment" ins Leben gerufen (update)
Mai 14th, 2012, 12:28Besonders hübscher Kommentar auf Russia Today: die Piratenpartei wurde vom "Establishment" gegründet, um Stimmen von der LINKEn abzuziehen
This party was created by the establishment to destroy the German left anti-austerity/anti-war party "Die Linke" and steal their votes. Yesterday, this goal was achieved and "Die Linke" did not reach the 5% hurdle. This pirate party was created to be dysfunctional from the start, attracting a weird and self-destructive mixture of pothead doogooders, nazis and barely adult wannabe commies/socialists/neoliberals/computer nerds.
Update: Der Typ hat echt 'ne krasse Weltsicht. Auch Anonymous ist eigentlich das Establishment, wie er das staunende Publikum wissen lässt:
Anonymous supported the NATO invasion of Libya. Anonymous has attacked the Syrian government networks and supports the salafist takfiri terrorists that slaughter Syrian civilians and persue Syrian christians. Some of Anonymous team leaders (Sabu for example) has been exposed as an operative working for the US Feds. Anonymous is widely subverted by US gov and US "humanitarian/democracy NGOs". The rest of Anonymous are gullible dogooders like you.
ROFL. Catnip: not even once