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Cool, her damit!
Oh Gott oh Gott! NEIN! Das will ich nicht!

to daMax


Juli 29th, 2013, 17:48

Spaß für Admins :lol: glaubt bloß nicht, dass die sich mit Festplatten begnügen.

(via feingut)

Kirche und Staat

Juli 29th, 2013, 12:02

The Bible Game
(via insomniablogging)


Wie mein Gehirn funktioniert

Juli 26th, 2013, 01:44

So true.


(via runkenstein)

BFG10K vs. Dirt Devil, ein Vergleichstest

Juli 22nd, 2013, 22:25

So kannte ich flatter noch gar nicht. But I like it :mrgreen:


Weiter geht's nebenan...


Dear Daily Mail. Sincerely, Amanda Palmer.

Juli 22nd, 2013, 16:35

Feminism goes like this:

Dear Daily Mail,
It has come to my recent attention,
That my recent appearance at Glastonbury Festival
Kindly received a mention,
I was doing a number of things on that stage
Up to and including singing songs - like you do!
But you chose to ignore that and instead you published
A feature review of my boob.

Dear Daily Mail,
There’s a thing called a search engine - use it
If you googled my tits in advance you’d have found
That your photos are hardly exclusive.
In addition you state that my breast had escaped
From my bra like a thief on the run,
How do you know that it wasn’t attempting
To just take in the rare British sun?

Dear Daily Mail,
It’s so sad what you tabloids are doing,
Your focus on debasing womens’ appearances
Devolves our species of humans,
But a rag is a rag, and far be it from me,
To go censoring anyone— oh no,
It appears that my entire body is currently
Trying to escape this kimono!

Dear Daily Mail,
You misogynist pile of twats,
I’m tired of these baby bumps, vag flashes, muffintops,
Where are the news-worthy cocks?
When Iggy, or Jagger, or Bowie, go shirtless
The news barely causes a ripple,
Blah blah blah feminist, blah blah blah gender shit,
Blah blah blah OH MY GOD NIPPLE!!

Dear Daily Mail,
You will never write about this night,
I know that because I’ve addressed you directly,
I’ve made myself no fun to fight,
But thanks to the internet people all over the world
Can enjoy this discourse,
And commune with a roomful of people in London
Who aren’t drinking Kool-Aid like yours.
And though there be millions of people who accept
The cultural bar where you have it at,
There are plenty of others who are perfectly willing
To see breasts in their natural habitat.
I keenly anticipate your highly literate
Coverage of upcoming tours

Dear Daily Mail,
Up Yours.

(via ekelias)
London Roundhouse 12/07/2013



Juli 22nd, 2013, 15:31

Wir wollen die Reichsmark wieder haben. Alte Naive für Deutschland (Alternative für Deutschland)

(via runkenstein)

Brute-Force-Attack, GIF'd

Juli 22nd, 2013, 14:27

So stelle ich mir ja die Typen vor, die seit Monaten vergeblich versuchen, sich als admin hier anzumelden :lol:


(via vegelus)

artifact from the future

Juli 22nd, 2013, 00:03

Hab ich euch eigentlich schon von Abstruse Goose erzählt?
Webcomics. Lustig. Philosophisch. Gut. Und unter einer freien Lizenz.

thag notice that sometimes when sand get hot, make glass. what?

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.


Oh glory old times

Juli 5th, 2013, 10:30

Der da oben rechts im Eck. Das bin ich ;)

Retro Kinder C64 Porno Spiele Samanta Fox Strip Poker, Girls they want to have fun GTWTHF, Stroker

Welches Spiel ist denn das links unten? Sam Fox, GTWTHF und Stroker erkenn' ich...

(via vscd)

Trollfishing? Oder doch Fishertrolling?

Juli 4th, 2013, 17:15

U decide :)

Cauton! No Fishing! Water areas contain large amounts of DHMO (Dihydrogenmonoxide)

(via eliskunk)



Juli 3rd, 2013, 19:59


NSA, PRISM, 4chan, surveillance

Kennt jemand den Künstler?


Ein Meta-Mem

Juli 3rd, 2013, 00:29

I asked him if he read the constitution. He said tl;dr.
(via grütze)



Juli 1st, 2013, 06:00

Beahead & Buttvis - Ungarischer Tanz No. 5

w00t? :lol:

Wiki-Trivia des Tages: Die Ungarischen Tänze von Brahms wurden für verschiedene Filme und Serien verwendet, unter anderem in Charlie Chaplins Der große Diktator und in Ren und Stimpy.

(via 1337core)

beavis | butthead | johannes brahms | electro-swing | techno | mashup



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