
September 21st, 2011, 21:52

Und wo wir gerade bei Anonymous waren - hier ist noch eine hübsche Presseerklärung: #OpSubverse

Know that you can't silence us and you can't scare us. We're not going to fight you, because you have guns with psychopaths behind them. Instead, we are subverting you. We're building our own systems to replace yours. They're better systems, with blackjack and hookers. And every time someone chooses our systems over yours, your power wanes another tick. We won't stop until you've become the Powers that Were.

Ziel ist, ein eigenes "subversives" Universum zu bilden, quasi neben dem normalen, polizeilich genehmigten Alltag:

If just a few hundred Anons can shut down city transit centers, imagine the
problems we can solve when millions of earthlings start working together to
replace those broken systems with better ones. We can build marketplaces where
we use digital cash to trade without heeding the taxes and regulations of the
Powers that Be. Once we stop using their money, their institutions will crumble
quickly, and we can move on to solving world hunger, exploring the cosmos, and
living in peace.

Am Ende gibt's noch eine nette Linkliste zu Sites, die dem Subverse schon angehören oder es sonstwie unterstützen.

Den vollen Text gibt's nach dem Klick und ich geh jetzt mal ne Runde Subverse surfen.

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