#OpCannabis 420

Mittwoch, 11.4.2012, 08:40 > daMax

Endlich mal wieder eine hübsche AnonOp: am 20.4. findet weltweit die #OpCannabis statt. So ganz schlau werde ich zwar nicht daraus, auf jeden Fall sollt ihr am 20. euer Avatarbildchen in euren Sozialnetzwerken grün einfärben. Das kriegt ihr sicher hin, oder?

Natürlich geht es nicht primär ums Kiffen sondern darum, dass Hanf eine sehr vielfältig einsetzbare Nutzpflanze ist, die von der Pharma- und Petrochemieindustrie verbannt wurde, um ihren Profit zu sichern.

Eine halbwegs ordentliche Presseerklärung gibt es hier zu lesen und ich habe mir erlaubt, YourAnonNews den gesamten OpCannabis-Post zu klauen:

Hello Citizens of the World! We are Anonymous.

Many of you know that April 20th is a day marked by the consumption of Marijuana by people of all walks of life, all over the globe. What you may not know is the facts when it comes to Cannabis use. 

It is common knowledge that this substance is significantly less harmful than alcohol or nicotine, two drugs widely deemed acceptable by society. (http://yfrog.com/nvjrgg)

Regardless of this, the U.S. Government even goes so far to claim that Cannabis has “no accepted medical value”, while many studies show that it impedes/prevents the growth of Cancer cells in humans. (http://yfrog.com/h6vtmttj

According to them, Cocaine is a less dangerous drug than Cannabis. (http://yfrog.com/mmsoridj)

Aside from depriving the proletariat from the benefits of Cannabis, the laws currently in place promote organized crime + the black market, much like the Prohibition of Alcohol in the 1920s (http://yfrog.com/gz6nzktj)

This plant’s illegality has resulted in a huge increase in the incarceration rate due to the influx of innocent weedsmokers being put behind bars. (http://yfrog.com/oc5xqsvj

Of course, the private prison industry isn’t the only entity profiting off the Prohibition of Pot. Many pharmaceutical companies would be left without customers if citizens were allowed to cultivate their own cannabis plants. (http://yfrog.com/od5noigj)

For the aforementioned reasons and more, #Anonymous calls for the cooperation of the American Occupation in the fight for legalization legislation. In solidarity with the overall interests of 99%, we ask that each chapter of #Occupy highlight the Marijuana Issue on the day of April 20th, 2012. 

Together, we will give them a 4/20 they will never forget!

WE ARE LEGION for legalization!
WE DO NOT FORGIVE the crimes of the War on Drugs.
WE DO NOT FORGET our brothers + sisters locked up because of it.
