Adam Harvey - Stealth Wear

Dienstag, 15.1.2013, 12:13 > daMax

adam-harvey-steath-wearDer New Yorker Künstler Adam Harvey hat als Antwort auf die fortschreitende Überwachung durch Flugdrohnen Anti-Drohnen-Camouflage-Klamotten entwickelt:

Stealth Wear is a collection of counter surveillance garments and accessories that explores the aesthetics of privacy and the potential for fashion to challenge authoritarian surveillance. Presented by PRIMITIVE at TANK MAGAZINE HQ will be a suite of new designs, made in collaboration with NYC fashion designer Johanna Bloomfield, that tackle some of the most pressing and sophisticated forms of surveillance today. Including:

The anti-drone hoodie and anti-drone scarf: garments designed to thwart thermal imaging, a technology used widely by UAVs.

The XX-shirt: a x-ray shielding print in the shape of a heart, that protects your heart from x-ray radiation

And the Off Pocket: an anti-phone accessory that allows you to instantly zero out your phone’s signal.

Die Kollektion kommt am 17.1. auf den Markt und scheint ein ziemliches Haben-Will für mich zu werden.

(via rt)