Über 3 Stunden Valentina Lisitsa in der Kölner Philharmonie
Donnerstag, 22.10.2015, 23:06 > daMaxNovember 3 2013 Cologne Recital - Bigger, Longer & Uncut , Raw Video Feed , Valentina Lisitsa
Die Frau ist einfach nur cool:
This raw video camera feed is made live from Cologne recital that was recorded for Arte TV and web broadcast, all 3+ hours of it! Arte Live Web put a short version of it a week after the concert (I was not asked which pieces I want or don't want). When I realized that the video is unavailable anywhere other than France and Germany I thought it is a technical glitch. I contacted Arte and was told that "the contract with Decca doesn't allow them worldwide broadcast". I got a letter from Decca - yes, in writing, saying that it is OK ( well, it was written in lawyer's language but the OK is still OK, right?) "Armed" with a written permission I contacted Arte again and asked to please-please-please to change the settings of the video. It has been a month.... Did we all wait enough? I think so.
For my French and German fans - you can still watch a short version (1 hour 15 minutes) on Arte Live Web http://liveweb.arte.tv/de/video/Valentina_Lisitsa/
For the rest of the world (which is QUITE A BIT BIGGER than France+Germany, even if Arte TV doesn't think so :)))) enjoy the full version for next 90 days! As a trade-off you have to scroll through the intermission etc and to guess the titles of pieces - or use this handy list made by Daniel Rodrigue (thank you, Daniel!)
Hört ihr das, ihr Geoficker und Depublizierer? So geht Kultur! Und man wird nebenher noch weltberühmt...
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