Vom Seelenleben der Kakerlaken

Donnerstag, 5.2.2015, 00:08 > daMax

cockroach kakerlake i should buy a boat

Nun wurde wissenschaftlich erwiesen, dass selbst Kakerlaken Persönlichkeiten und damit unterschiedliche Verhaltensweisen besitzen. Können wir dann mit diesem überheblichen Hach-was-sind-wir-Menschen-doch-für-übernatürlich-tolle-Wesen-Getue aufhören? Danke.

Wobei ich mit dem elektrifizierten Versuchsaufbau ja wieder eher unglücklich bin :(

Some 304 cockroaches with RFID chips on their back were chosen for the experiment. Initially kept in darkness, the roaches were then led to 16 brightly-lit, arena-like areas with a few dark shelter, each one contained by electrified wires at the edges to prevent them from escaping.

During the test, scientists also measured the speed with which roaches found shelter and the time they spent exploring and seeking out new supplies of food.


“From studying the way they find shelter, we show that individuals have consistent behavior which can differ between individuals in a group - cockroaches have personalities,” the research team said. “Moreover, these individual personalities have an impact both on the group personality and sheltering dynamics.”

“We have categorized the observed personalities,” Isaac Planas Sitjà, one of the researchers from the Université libre de Bruxelles, said. “We call them “shy or cautious” and “bold or explorers”.

Pic: daMax [CC BY-NC-SA], based on this by James Niland [CC BY]