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Hey man! I don't know German, but English and I use Google translate to understand what are you writing. Why don't you post in English? I like the way you think, you have logic in your argumentation! Keep up the good work!
@Constantin Enache: well, I am German so I write best in German. And lots of the stuff I write about is of German concern. Sorry dude
I understand and I respect your point of view, but we all live on this Earth and every issue has global repercussions and not just territorial ones.
@Constantin Enache: you got a point there. But alas, many of my readers really do want to read german. And also, I just feel better ranting in my mother tongue than trying the same thing in English. Yet, I feel flattered by your suggestion as it implies that you're really interested in my humble thoughts and writings. So again: sorry for that but I guess I just have to stick to German.
Keep the faith and the fight, brother.
PS: your own blog is written in Romanian to a good part. So I guess you understand what I mean. It's just easier to express one's thought in one's mother tongue.
I agree with you! It's easier to express yourself in your native language! Until now, I have published articles or comments using pseudonyms and just recently I have decided to join the bloger's community. I have translated articles that concerns either exceptional exemples or international issues and I will do this more often. I think that English language is an international code, that can help you reach many people that are interested in the debated issues, that maybe are in their interest too. I will keep my faith and I think that we all are in this fight together and as soon as we all realize this, the better it will be for the entire human kind!