Sketchbook - Kalligraphieporno in voller Länge

Freitag, 1.3.2013, 07:34 > daMax

Olaf schreibt mir:

Das Gif ist n bissel mager. Mehr zu sehen gibt´s beim dazugehörigen Film.

und wo er Recht hat, hat er Recht.

Sketchbook, February 2013 from Seb Lester on Vimeo.

BlackLetter was used throughout Europe from about 1150 until the end of the 17th century. One of my current preoccupations is developing a set of modern BlackLetter capitals that are highly legible, in BlackLetter terms, and yet retain the richness and beauty inherent in this ancient category of letterform. From time to time I will film clips like this to record my progress. Prints and originals available from Music by Carlos Márquez,

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