Frontberichterstattung aus dem AdBlocker-Krieg

Samstag, 13.8.2016, 22:35 > daMax

Zu der Causa Facebook vs. Adblocker hat René die hübsche Überschrift "Adblock Plus blocks Facebook block of Adblock Plus block of Facebook block of AdBlock Plus block of Facebook ads." gebastelt. Weil:

On Tuesday, Facebook changed its desktop website so that visitors would see ads on pages even if they are running an ad-blocking plugin. […] Adblock Plus responded within a few hours by distributing a workaround that filtered out Facebook's sneaky ads. On Thursday night, Facebook updated its own site to once again circumvent the Adblock Plus block. […] That triumph was short lived: Adblock Plus said on Friday morning it had already updated its scripts to re-block the Facebook ads. By the time of publication it is entirely possible that the two sides could have un-blocked and re-blocked one another all over again.

Ich kann das leider irgendwie nicht so richtig lustig finden angesichts der Tatsache, dass unsere Betonschädelpolitiker sich einflüstern lassen, AdBlocker könnten "schlecht für die Wirtschaft" sein...