Gerade eben hat mir ein Bot in einem Kommentar alle Sprüche in den Spamfilter gerotzt, die er drauf hat. Da können die Nichtblogbetreiber unter euch mal sehen können, was für Dramen sich hier Tag für Tag hinter den Kulissen abspielen. Man beachte den geschickten Einsatz kyrillischer(?) Buchstaben, zur besseren Kenntlichkeit hab die ersten 5 mal rot markiert:
Ӏ havе beеn surfing online morе than 3
hοuгs todау, уеt I never found
аny intereѕting artіcle liκe yοurs.
It’s pretty worth enough for me. In my view, if all website owners and bloggers made good content as you did, the web will be much more useful than ever before.
You…are…my…hero!!! I cant believe some thing like this exists on the internet! Its so true, so honest, and more than that you dont sound like an idiot! Lastly, an individual who knows how to talk about a subject without sounding like a kid who didnt get that bike he wanted for Christmas.
I loved what youve done here. The style is elegant, your content classy. Yet, youve got an edginess to what youre offering here. Ill undoubtedly come back for a lot more if you maintain this up. Dont lose hope if not too many folks see your vision, know youve got a fan proper here who values what youve got to say as well as the way youve presented your self. Very good on you!
Hi. this is kind of an -unconventional- question , but have other visitors asked you how get the menu bar to look like you have got it? I also have a blog and am genuinely looking to alter around the theme, even so am scared to death to mess with it for fear of the search engines punishing me. I am really new to all of this …so i am just not positive exactly how to attempt to to it all yet. I’ll just kеep worκing οn іt 1 daу аt a tіmе.