Anonymous vs. NATO
Popcorn! Die NATO hat Anonymous als "Bedrohung für Regierung und Volk" ausgemacht und will jetzt eine Hexenjagd veranstalten. Anonymous spricht nun die erste Verwarnung aus, da die Site ist allerdings gerade hoffnungslos überlastet ist, folgt nun eine Kopie des Schreibens (und hier ist die Google-Cache-Version). Der Text mag euch vielleicht lang vorkommen, aber jedes Wort davon ist lesenswert. Anonymous, I ♥ you!
Anonymous Message to NATO
Greetings, members of NATO. We are Anonymous.
In a recent publication, you have singled out Anonymous as a threat to "government and the people". You have also alleged that secrecy is a 'necessary evil' and that transparency is not always the right way forward.
Anonymous would like to remind you that the government and the people are, contrary to the supposed foundations of "democracy", distinct entities with often conflicting goals and desires. It is Anonymous' position that when there is a conflict of interest between the government and the people, it is the people's will which must take priority. The only threat transparency poses to government is to threaten government's ability to act in a manner which the people would disagree with, without having to face democratic consequences and accountability for such behaviour. Your own report cites a perfect example of this, the Anonymous attack on HBGary. Whether HBGary were acting in the cause of security or military gain is irrelevant - their actions were illegal and morally reprehensible. Anonymous does not accept that the government and/or the military has the right to be above the law and to use the phoney cliche of "national security" to justify illegal and deceptive activities. If the government must break the rules, they must also be willing to accept the democratic consequences of this at the ballot box.We do not accept the current status quo whereby a government can tell one story to the people and another in private. Dishonesty and secrecy totally undermine the concept of self rule. How can the people judge for whom to vote unless they are fully aware of what policies said politicians are actually pursuing?
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